Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Response: photo a day

I spent my spring break in my hometown of Lowry City, Missouri since it was the only time I would really be able to spend time with my family this semester. Here's a visual diary of my week at home.

day 1
Last year Lowry City was recognized for having the best tasting water in the state of Missouri. It was then recognized as having the fifth best tasting water in the nation. Naturally, I felt I should take a picture of our water tower :)

day 2
This is my grandpa Greg coming in from doing chores. It was about 50 degrees this day, which isn't really cold enough to warrant that many layers, haha.

day 3
I took a little walk around town and stopped by the city park where I used to practice basketball when I was in high school. I'm not really sure when these bleachers were placed ON the court, but they definitely shouldn't be there, ha.

day 4
I visited my dad's parents, Mama Sue and Papa Tom :)

day 5
This is just a flower outside of our house. I'm not sure what exactly it is, but I used to call them "snowball flowers" when I was younger.

day 6
My mom and I drove out to the lake. Isn't she pretty? I think this one is funny because it looks like a senior picture.

day 7
I stopped to take some pictures of cattle before I headed back to Columbia. Such a classic.


  1. Love the water tower shot. So great. I feel like that is really what can define a small town sometimes. I have so many pictures of the "skyline" back home. It cracks me because our water tower is downtown - so there are all these small two-story buildings and this enormous water tower. It's great. I also love that you stopped to photograph the cows. I felt so dorky standing on the highway taking pictures of signs. Kudos to you.

  2. Your pictures are great! I really appreciate photos of "real" life and people. Your grandparents looks super cute... And now I have to visit Lowry City sometime and try the water. :)

  3. The water tower photo is great! It actually makes me think of home. I remember growing up in the city (Chicago), we always had excellent tasting tap water because it was from Lake Michigan. Now that I've moved to the suburbs, the water doesn't taste as great. I'd be really interested to taste the water of Lowry City. =)

    Another funny water tower story...We have this obnoxious water tower right next to our high school. Not only is it ginormous, but it our town name is spelled wrong! It reads Joltet instead of Joliet.

  4. Thanks for the comments everybody! I think it's hilarious that everybody has a story to share about a water tower lol.
