To start getting prepared, I finally ordered CS5 today. The first project I plan to tackle after graduation is creating fliers and business cards to promote my work. But more about that in my response post for the week.
Zazzle features some really interesting options for business cards. If you're looking to design your own, I'd check it out to see what some current business card trends are. For example, I learned that vertical business cards are apparently very in right now.
When I create my stuff, I'll probably keep working with my little bird fellows. I think they express my quirky personality in just the right way. As I mentioned in last week's blog, I've also been fond of the different lemon, black and gray color combinations that are happening right now, so I might try to work that color palette in somewhere, too.
Trendy indie mustaches have even infiltrated the professional market of business cards. Especially the market of poorly designed business cards...
Vertical cards are everywhere.
Retro birds are found on only the trendiest of business cards. OMG.
Not sure what you'd this one for. Maybe if you're promoting the Dresden Dolls?
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